If you have an older home you more than likely have “popcorn ceilings”. Popcorn textured ceilings were the “norm” for many years and now most homeowners either have it removed or if if you buy a new home – no popcorn ceilings.
Painted ceilings are the way to go these days and most new homes already have the painted ceilings at many times, they have a pretty cool texturing.
Yes, popcorn ceilings can be removed and although you can do it yourself – it is quite a messy and time consuming project. You do however have a option and that is to call Village Professional Painters. Village Pro Painters can remove that nasty popcorn ceiling and make your ceiling beautiful and renovated.
Please keep in mind that many popcorn ceilings that were done in the 1970’s can contain asbestos. If your home was built prior to the 1980’s check with a reputable painting company such as Village Pro Painters and have them take a look.
Don’t try and remove the popcorn ceiling yourself if you think that it could contain asbestos – let a professional come in and offer some safe popcorn ceiling removal solutions.
Why worry with the hassle of removing popcorn ceilings yourself? Just call Village Pro Painters today and let them do the work!